Disburse Status Webhook

1. Disburse Status Webhook Receiving

The Disburse Status Webhook will push a JSON message whenever a transaction status is updated.

To receive Webhook data from IGsend, please contact Income Group API Support. You must supply an accessible endpoint URL using HTTPS. We do not support push to HTTP. We will provide you with a list of available Client ID(s) which are accessible to you.

In the response header, we will include a unique authorization Bearer value which we will issue you once we confirm your endpoints are ready. This can be used to confirm that the data has originated from IGsend.

Response Payload

2. JSON Webhook Response

Key Value Description
DisburseStatusPayload The container of the transaction payload data.
ClientID The Client ID of the IGsend client relating to the transaction.
BatchID API Upload Only This is the Batch ID which is passed in the IGsend API Payload.
DisburseUniqueID API Upload Only This is the unique transaction ID which is passed in the IGsend API Payload.
Status The current status of the transaction.
Values are:
  • UNKNOWN - This is the transaction pending status
  • APPROVED - A successfully processed transaction
StatusTimeStamp The timestamp of the payment status retrieval. Please note this may have a timezone difference.
TimeStamp The timestamp of the Webhook data push.