Disburse Status

1. Method: Disburse Status

Important notes

Public and Private Keys are unique for Sandbox and Live.
Sandbox Endpoint URL: https://sandbox.api.igsend.co.uk/services/disbursementstatus 
Live Endpoint URL: https://api.igsend.co.uk/services/disbursementstatus 

 Double click the URL above to insert into the Endpoint field below
Endpoint URL
Public Key
Private Key

Request Payload

Response Payload

2. JSON schema

The example JSON above details all the necessary data required to submit a payment. The breakdown of each element is as such:
Title Datatype Validation Max. Data Length Example Data Notes
ClientID Integer
  • Must be a numeric value
  • Must not be null, empty or 0
- 123456 This is the ClientID of the transaction upload, sent through the Disburse method
BatchID Integer
  • Must be a numeric value
  • Must not be null, empty or 0
- 123456 This your unique ID for the payment request.
DisburseRefID Integer
  • Must be a numeric value
  • Must not be null, empty or 0
- 123456 This your unique ID for the transaction.

3. JSON response data

The table below details the response code, message ID and message returned from an API call.
status MessageID Message Description
1 10010 Request processed successfully Response received and tableRes holds the data of the transaction status
2 10009 Data Validation Failed. Invalid Input. BatchID, ClientID, DisburseRefID must be valid input.

4. Code Example

Object definition
	public class ReqObject
		public int ClientID { get; set; }
		public int BatchID { get; set; }
		public int DisburseRefID { get; set; }
Payload data
	ReqObject reqPayload = new ReqObject();
	reqPayload.ClientID = 10050;
	reqPayload.BatchID = 1000;
	reqPayload.DisburseRefID = 1002;

	string PayloadJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(reqPayload);
	StringContent EncodedJson = new StringContent(json, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
	using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
		string PublicKey = "{Your public key}";
		string PrivateKey = "{Your private key}";
		string ApiEndpoint = "https://sandbox.api.igsend.co.uk/services/disbursementstatus";
		client.BaseAddress = new Uri(ApiEndpoint);
		var auth = string.Format("{0}:{1}", PublicKey, PrivateKey);
		var encoded = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(auth));
		client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", encoded);
		HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync(ApiEndpoint, EncodedJson);
If you develop in another code, which may be useful to other customers, we would love to include further examples here. You can submit your example code to the API team.